One of the most important factors of maintaining trees is taking care of its soil. By enlisting the help of a Gates Mills tree company, such as Vancuren Tree Service, you can learn how to best manage and care for your soil and thus, help your trees thrive.
Trees that grow in urban areas usually have poorer soil conditions than trees in natural environments, like forests. Because of this, soil needs to be cared for and manipulated so that it can emulate those natural conditions as much as possible. This is important because about half of the tree’s living tissue grows underground. The majority of roots that provide water to the trees are in the top foot of its soil.
The soil in urban habitats is not nearly as nutritious as the soil in natural environments. Usually it is compacted and contains low amounts of oxygen, drains poorly, and does not have much organic matter. It is also subjected to damage from construction, competition with turf grass, and other human activities. It can be difficult for trees to use the nutrients in this soil because organic matter cycling is disrupted. This means that urban trees don’t live as long and have less stored energy than trees in forests. Proper soil management is important so that the root system of a tree develops properly, so it can take root and grow in its final location.
The productivity of urban soil is determined by certain characteristics and the quality of the organic matter within it. The soil needs to be assessed beforehand to determine what added nutrients the tree will need once planted.
Some aspects of soil management include planting a tree at the highest point in a yard or space to better manage watering and drainage, planting a tree in the right kind of soil, creating a good soil structure, and using vehicle paths properly so that machinery is not damaging the plants.
Soil management is one of the best things you can do for your trees so they can root and grow properly. Enlisting the help of a Gates Mills tree company, like Vancuren Tree Service, can help you come up with a soil management plan and carry it out so your trees have strong roots and live for a very long time.