When you see brown spots in your grass during the summer, sometimes the grass is literally greener on the other side (for your neighbors). As a Cleveland tree company with years of experience, we have a few tips and reminders on how to keep the grass at your Cleveland neighborhood home lush and green throughout the hot summer days.
Do your best to avoid the peak heat hours by mowing in the early morning or early evening. When you do mow, move your mower setting to at least 3 inches. As nice as short grass looks, a couple more inches will help your grass handle the heat better. Another way to go about it is to only mow a third of the total height of your lawn.
Watering is another given to keeping your grass nice and green. Only water your grass when it needs it. If possible, make a point to water your grass in the early morning. This way, the soil will have time throughout the course of the day to drink up the water before the hot temperatures evaporate it away. Avoid watering in the evening — this could turn your brown spot situation into a fungal disease! To check if your grass needs watering, walk around a patch of grass and if it keeps its imprinted, matted form then it is time to water. Alternatively, your grass will also need water when the color changes from bright green to a gray-blue color.
Most grassy green lawns in the Cleveland area will have cool season grass. Just to be sure, double check the grass around your home to see if it is cool season or warm season grass. For the best results, you should fertilize depending on which type of grass is growing in your lawn. If you have cool season grass, do not fertilize in the summer as it will set off too much growth for your grass to stay green. Or if you have warm season grass growing around your home, fertilize in the summer so that it can help keep your grass green during its peak season of growth.
Still unsure what the best course of action is for those dry, brown grass spots in your yard? Give VanCuren Tree Services a call to answer any of your questions. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable about landscaping in Cleveland. We also offer other services such as tree trimming and tree removal as well. Call us today for a free estimate.