Looking for tree basics advice from a Cleveland Heights tree company? When you think about it, it is amazing how trees withstand the test of time and can live for hundreds of years. We think about this when we are out in nature like a preservation, park, or forest, but not necessarily when it comes to our own trees at our Cleveland Heights homes.
What is the secret to keeping your trees happy and healthy for years to come? A lot of this is intuitive, but go through this list and make sure you’re giving your tree what it needs to grow, and stay, strong.
Pick the right spot – First, choose a location for your tree… somewhere on your property that has enough sun and/or shade and where there is enough room for a full canopy to grow without obstructions such as sewage lines and electric cables. Then, pick a tree that suits the Cleveland Heights environment, in other words, pick an indigenous tree for the best results. When you are ready to plant your desired tree, make sure not to dig too shallow or too deep – this is a common mistake.
Water, water, water – When you plant a new tree, it will need somewhere between 6-10 gallons of water to keep hydrated. Keep this up for the first two growing seasons. After that, you can cut down on the watering a bit. If your tree is older, check on your tree and its soil and water as needed. Beware, overwatering can cause damage to your tree by drowning it or by loosening the soil that hold the roots in place.
Lay down mulch and fertilizer – Mulch offers a nice aesthetic but also provides insulation for your tree’s roots by locking in moisture. Avoid covering the base of the tree trunk, this will suffocate the tree. A tree in a forest would normally, and naturally, get the rich nutrients it needs from leaves, moss and the ecosystem created by the surrounding trees. However, for our homes, fertilizer releases nutrients into the soil that is absent due to lawn care and leaf pickup.
Regular checkups – It is very important that you schedule routine checkups and proper trimming for your tree. Tree trimming improves the tree’s structure, removes dead branches, and makes room for healthy, new growth. Call an expert to check on your trees for tree trimming and for an inspection. If there are any problems with your tree it is better to catch them earlier rather than later.
Cleveland tree services company, VanCuren, is ready to answer questions, discuss tree care, come out for an inspection, or help you service your tree in the Cleveland Heights area. We specialize in tree trimming and tree removal, but we have a great team of experts who can help you with other landscaping projects as well. Call us to help your take care of your home!