Is it time to contact a Cleveland Heights tree removal and service company? When a tree that you believe to be big and strong suddenly starts to look sickly, with an infection or an infestation, you’ll want to know which one is affecting your tree on your Cleveland Heights property.
Your first question, however is probably along the lines of, how can I prevent the symptoms from getting worse? The answer to this and other similar questions can be summed up in two words: early detection, followed by: be proactive. If the invasion has traveled too deeply into the tree, the damage is irreparable and the likely solution is tree removal.
Mushroom growth – Mushrooms are the result of underlying fungus. While not all fungus is bad for a tree’s health, more often than not, mushroom growth means trouble. Whether a fungus finds its way into the roots of the tree through an opening in the bark or directly through the roots, once it enters the tree’s system it begins to nonstop feed on the tree’s tissue. If the fungus has already weakened the base of the tree, the best option is tree removal.
If you are able to spot signs of infection or infestation early on, there is a good chance that controlling or eliminating the problem will work. Call the Cleveland Heights tree service company experts at VanCuren if you see either of these signs that your tree is sick. We can work to help reduce or eliminate the disease of infestation or recommend our tree services and tree removal if the tree has become a hazard to your Cleveland Heights property.